How do I support a fundraiser?

To support a campaign, simply visit and type in the name of the organization. No special codes or complicated URLs are needed!

You can also credit your organization by hitting the “Support a Fundraiser” link in the top right of the screen or at checkout!

I can't find my fundraiser in the list

If you’re having trouble locating a fundraiser, please make sure you’re looking for the full name, an abbreviated version or the city. Sometimes changing up the keyword can turn up the right campaign! 

If you still can’t find the organization you’re looking for, it could be because they aren’t currently fundraising with us or need to reactivate an inactive campaign. Please give us a call or email us at, and we can look in to it.

You could also reach out to the organization and let them know you'd love to support them and suggest a Mabel's Labels fundraiser! 🙂

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